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Middle East & North Africa
The 2012 Local Elections in the West Bank: a Display of Discreet Authoritarianism?
South Asia
Muslims of Bangalore under Narendra Modi’s regime: Perspectives from South India
Noria Research
Exiled Between Two Authoritarianisms: the Sudanese Exiled in Cairo, from Hosni Mubarak to Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
Mexico & Central America
Land Grabbing and Peace Negotiations in Colombia
Mexico & Central America
Land Grabbing and Peace Negotiations in Colombia
Noria Research
Yarmouk: a War of All Against All
South Asia
Being Muslim in Narendra Modi’s India: Ghetto Life, Between Domination and Resistance
Oil in Eden: Pollution and Impunity in Tabasco
Noria Research
Hong Kong, Taiwan and Chinese Irredentism: Is the “One Country, Two Systems” principle failing?