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South Asia
Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf: New Phenomenon or Continuation of the Political Status Quo?
Noria Research
The strategy of Jabhat Al-Nusra / Jabhat Fath Al-Sham in regarding the truces in Syria
Noria Research
Iraq from the Ground
South Asia
Rule of Law, Justice and Constitutionalism in Pakistan: The ‘Lawyers’ Movement for the Restoration of Judiciary and Democracy
Noria Research
Shiite nationalism? Sistani, Present in Absence
Noria Research
The ICC and the Crime of Genocide: Maneuvering the Status of Minority in Darfur
The ICC and the Crime of Genocide: Maneuvering the Status of Minority in Darfur
South Asia
Back to 1945: the Memorial and Strategic Meaning of the 70th Anniversary of the Japanese Defeat in East Asia
South Asia
The Militia System in Kunduz