About Léonel Noubou Noumowe
Léonel Noubou Noumowe holds degrees in history and archival studies. He earned his PhD in history from the University of Lorraine, where his dissertation examined the evolution of military forces in Cameroon: From Colonial Militia to the Cameroonian Army: A Constellation of Units and a Military Mosaic, 1914–1972. A Sociological and Prosopographical Approach. He is currently Head of the Archives and Data Service at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED).
Daniel Foliard is a professor at Université Paris Cité. A specialist in colonialism and imperialism, his research focuses on the construction of colonial knowledge and the history of photography. He earned his PhD from Université Paris-Sorbonne (2011) and obtained his habilitation to supervise research (2019). Before taking up his current position, he was an associate professor at Université Paris Nanterre (2012–2021). He is the author of Combattre, punir, photographier. Empires coloniaux, 1890–1914 (La Découverte, 2021) and is involved in the Eycon project, which explores the use of images in colonial contexts.