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Xavier Guignard

Xavier Guignard

Xavier Guignard is a senior fellow of the Noria MENA Program. With more than 10 years of research experience as a trained political scientist from Sorbonne University, he has developed expertise on conflict, public institutions, and social dynamics across the region, with a focus on Palestine, Libya, Tunisia, and, more recently, the Gulf.

Xavier is a former Research Fellow of the ERC Wafaw program (2015-2017) and the recipient of a two-year field grant from the French Institute for the Near East. Before taking his position at Noria MENA Program, he taught for several years at Al-Quds University (Palestine), Sciences Po Paris and Sorbonne University in Paris. Xavier has contributed to more than 30 articles, chapters, reports and co-edited special issues of academic journals. His work has been presented in international conferences and media outlets since 2012. In addition to his research, Xavier has worked as a consultant for NGOs, state or international institutions and the private sector.

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