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Ftouhi Hind

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Dr. Hind Ftouhi is an agronomist and rural sociologist. She is currently a lecturer-researcher at the Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme (INAU) in Rabat. Her research focuses on the roles of rural youth in agrarian and territorial transformations in Morocco, gender dynamics, and the governance of natural resources, particularly water and land, in rural areas. She explores the socio-economic and environmental changes shaping rural communities, with particular attention to youth engagement, the roles of women in sustaining oasis ecosystems, and agrarian transformations in oasis regions.

Selected Publications :

Hind Ftouhi, 2024. La loi est là mais qu’en est-il de mon droit ? Devenir du Mouvement des Soulaliyates. In : Soraya EL KAHLAOUI et Hammad SQALLI (ed.) : Repenser l’agir collectif. Economia Book. 3ème édition. pp. 219-249. https://www.economia.ma/fr/evenements/hem-research-book-repenser-l%E2%80%99agir-collectif

Bossenbroek L, Ftouhi H, Berger E, Kadiri Z. 2024. Femmes oasiennes au Maroc : actrices de la survie des oasis. Cah. Agric. 33: 33. https://doi.org/10.1051/cagri/2024030

Bossenbroek L, Ftouhi H. 2021. The plight of female agricultural wageworkers in Morocco during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cah. Agric. 30: 40.
