Elvan Arik

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Mail: arik.elvan@gmail.com
Elvan Arik is a temporary teacher and researcher at the Paris School of Urban Planning (Gustave Eiffel University). He holds a PhD in urban studies from the University of Lyon. Conducted within the Laboratory Techniques, Territories, and Societies (LATTS), his actual research focuses on urban and energy transformations issues (heating/cooling) in emerging countries, in Turkey especially. He has recently published « Grandeur urbaine et vulnérabilité énergétique : le cas de la ville-satellite de Kayaşehir (Istanbul) », Urbanités, # 14 / Il n’y pas que la taille qui compte, Novembre 2020 and has co-authored the paper « Transitions énergétiques à Istanbul et Le Cap. À propos de transformations plurielles », Multitudes, 2019, vol. 77, n°4, p. 101-108.