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César Rodriguez

Avatar de César Rodriguez

Spécialité : Mexique - Amérique centrale

Personal Website

César Rodriguez has studied photography in Mexico City.

He has taken workshops with: Mary Ellen Mark, Jaime Permuth, Javier Arcenillas, Narciso Contreras, Andrew Lichtenstein and Maggie Steber among others. His work has been exhibited in places like: Berlin, London, Biel, Silicon Valley, Bogota, Buenos Aires, New York, New Orleans, California, China, Sydney, Morelia, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Queretaro, Guadalajara and México City.

César’s work has been published in: Der Spiegel, The New York Times Lens Blog, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, CBS, El Pais Semanal, El Pais, Le Monde, Huffington Post, Bloomberg Media, The Guardian, LA Times, The Washington Post, Milenio, El Universal, LAT Photo Magazine, La Jornada, PDN online, BBC News, Cuartoscuro (México), VICE (Us and México), ShooterMag (Spain).

César is also a video contributor to Matt Black´s short film : The Monster in The Mountains. He also recently completed his short film called "Huicholes del Tabaco" which has been awarded and included in several film festivals.

César has won more than 20 awards and grants for his work.