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The Making of a Researcher

Training in the various skills of research

Research is a craft that requires a diversity of skills. Noria offers to complement the academic expertise of young researchers by training them to:

  • Conduct field studies and set up collective research projects
  • Share their knowledge: teach, write in innovative formats, circulate their work in the media
  • Build their career and safeguard their professional status

In the context of the pandemic, which has induced the growing isolation of PhD students and young researchers, Noria has decided to create an online training program open to all, entitled “Making a Researcher.” Every month, PhD students of all citizenships and disciplines exchange with a more experienced researcher and a member of Noria’s team. With this initiative, we want to share the tools of research with as many people as possible and allow them to collectively learn this trade.

Last episodes


Episode 12 “Preparing and conducting a sensitive fieldwork”

Held on May 21, 2022 at the Cité Fertile on the occasion of Noria Research’s 10th anniversary 

Alice Judell, Executive Director of Noria Research

Yohanan Benhaim, Head of the Turkey program at Noria Research 

Barbara Gigi, Doctoral student at EHESS and winner of the Noria 2022 grants

Episode 11 “The rights of doctoral students and their protection”

Held on April 21, 2022

Adèle B. Combes: Doctor in neurobiology and author of the book Comment l’Université broie les jeunes chercheurs. Précarité, harcèlement, loi du silence (Autrement, 2022).

Colin Lemée of the Doctopus association – Independent Observatory of Doctoral Life (https://doctopus.hypotheses.org/)

Episode 10 “Telling your thesis in podcast”.

Held on March 3, 2022

Clémence Vendryes: doctoral student at Aix-Marseille associated with the French Institute of the Near East, Clémence works on the geography of cemeteries in the Palestinian territories, she has launched a podcast series entitled « Palestine terrains sonores » to share the experiences of researchers in Palestine (https://www.ifporient.org/podcast-palestine-terrains-sonores/)

Paul Mori : doctor at Sciences Po, he defended his thesis on the issues of memory of young French people around Algeria, from which he made a series of podcasts entitled « Sauce algérienne » (https://open.spotify.com/show/4D9P8ut1aOfjUqF8XoQeSB)

Antoine Tricot: freelance journalist, he has worked for several France Culture programs (Du grain à moudre, LSD), specialist in radio documentaries, he gives his advice on how to write, record and produce his podcast on his website (https://www.antoinetricot.com/category/atelier-podcast/).

Episode 9 “Time management during the PhD thesis”

Held on January 20, 2022

Déborah Perez-Galan: assistant professor of political science at Mohamed 6 Polytechnic University in Rabat, and associate researcher at the CMH and MESOPOLHIS

Romain Leclercq: PhD in sociology since 2020 and ATER at the University of Paris 8


Episode 8 “Ethics of Research and Fieldwork”

Held on December 7, 2021

Claudine Burton-Jeangros: researcher and professor at the University of Geneva (Institut de Recherches Sociologiques), coordinator of the book L’éthique (en) pratique : la recherche en sciences sociales (2017, University of Geneva)

Zoé Quetu: PhD student in political science at Sciences Po Bordeaux (LAM). Her dissertation focuses on indigenous peoples in Burundi.

Episode 7 “The gender of the fieldwork and its effects”

Held on October 21, 2021

Laurence Dufresne Aubertin, Mesopolhis/IREMAM: doctoral student, winner of the 2019 Michel Seurat Prize, her dissertation project is entitled « Social housing in Algeria as ordinary relationships to politics. »

Mélanie Gourarier, CNRS research fellow, anthropologist of gender and sexualities at LEGS. Author of Alpha Mâle. Alpha Mâle. Séduire les femmes pour s’apprécier entre hommes (La couleur des idées, 2017). 

Episode 6 “How to prepare a successful fieldwork”

Held on June 3, 2021

Marielle Debos: researcher at the Institute for the Social Sciences of Politics (ISP) and specialist in armed conflicts, she has notably produced an ethnography of men-at-arms in Chad (Le métier des armes au Tchad : le gouvernement de l’entre-guerres, Karthala, 2013)

Adrian Foucher: a doctoral student at the University of Tours and researcher at Noria, he is conducting a critical analysis of humanitarian assistance in Turkey based on ethnographic surveys with Syrian refugees.

Episode 5 “Social Science, Field Investigation and State Surveillance”

Held on May 6, 2021

Olivier Tesquet: Journalist specialized in digital and surveillance issues for Télérama, he recently published A la trace: enquête sur les nouveaux territoires de la surveillance (Premier parallèle, 2020) and État d’urgence technologique (Premier parallèle, 2021).

Xavier Guignard: researcher and editor of Noria’s North Africa – Middle East program, he works on authoritarianism and counter-revolution in the Arab world, particularly on Palestine and Libya. He also works on digital issues at Noria.

Episode 4 “What comes after your PhD ? Research career opportunities ”

Held on April 8, 2021

  • Tom Chevalier: researcher at the CNRS, he was an ATER at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and a post-doctoral fellow at Oxford University
  • Jérôme Tubiana: researcher and independent journalist, he has worked for several NGOs (Action contre la faim, Médecins sans frontières) and think tanks (International Crisis Group, Small Arms Survey)
Episode 3 “Getting ready for your thesis defense”

Held on March 4, 2021

Myriam Catusse: researcher in political sociology at CNRS / IREMAM, specialist in social issues in the « Arab world », she co-directed and participated in the jury of ten theses

Yohanan Benhaim: co-founder of Noria, he defended his thesis on Turkish foreign policy at the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne in January 2021.

Episode 2 “Presenting your research in the media”

Held on January 28, 2021Zoé Sfez : journalist at France Culture for various programs (Soft power, A voix nue, Le journal de la culture)Charlotte Thomas: PhD in political science, post-doctoral fellow at CERI, she often present her work in various media (France Inter, France Culture, Arte, Mediapart).

Episode 1 “Teaching during your PhD”

Held on December 10, 2020 

Alice Judell, Noria Executive Director, Academic advisor for the Master in International Security and in charge of education for the School of International Affairs of Sciences PoCécilia Baeza-Rodriguez, PhD in political science, teacher-researcher at Sciences PoIn the context of the pandemic, which has induced the growing isolation of PhD students and young researchers, Noria has decided to create an online training program open to all, entitled “Making a Researcher.” Every month, PhD students of all citizenships and disciplines exchange with a more experienced researcher and a member of Noria’s team. With this initiative, we want to share the tools of research with as many people as possible and allow them to collectively learn this trade.